
Showing posts from October, 2018

Bits and glitches: Rooms, exploration and command

So this week, I've built some new rooms and added codes for going about exploration and combat. After a bit of tinkering, I've got it nailed down to key words for certain actions. Example: Go north to go north. Initially, it was flawed. I would look at the string as a whole, rather then looking for keywords It looked something list this: if stageAction == f"Go North" :         print( "do action" ) what it now looks like is something like this: if f"go" in stageAction or f"Go" in stageAction:        if "north in stageAction or f"North" in stageAction:                  print("do action") This allows me to make better actions for movement and combat. Combat is kind of in the game right now with an "Attack" action. Next week, more rooms and I'll show a snippet of the game as it runs.

Bits and Glitches: So why the snake?

So, I'm answering an unanswered question: Why am I using Python and Debug to make a game and not something sensible like... say... Unity or Unreal. For a while I've been contemplating doing a project in a different engine, such as Godot or Unreal. It's not too much of a daunting task to take on these challenges. However, this is more of a language learning exercise rather then a gameplay exercise. THAT BEING SAID! I've implemented a few rooms and methods to get around. On top of this, I've placed a few commands in that aren't told to the player (let alone, I don't think they should be, but should be explored ). I'll have more cool things for you next week.

Bits and Glitches: Introduction

I'd like to apologise for not releasing a new blog post as Thursday I was fatigued from last minute bug fixing on the last game. I'm still some what tired but that comes back to my sleeping patterns corrupting over time. Fun for the whole family. For this next month's build, I'm looking to make a console game. No... Not PlayStation or Xbox, no something more simple. Power Terminal The idea for this next project is based off my current knowledge of python while learning it from Learning python the hard way  so I'm taking a slight break from using Unity for this month. So, what are the goals for this small machination? Make a small text based RPG that can be played via Powershell A small map to move around (north room, east room, you know the drill room) Simple combat encounter Really simple, right? Bonus round? Make level up Add more combat actions Make an ASCII map for it Make many monsters Here goes the madness

Release of Feed me

Sorry for the delay. I write this a 3am, having kind of finished the game. The download link is here . Once again, simple system. Players click to get food to survive. So that's one tick off the list. Most of the main goals for this game were completed quite quickly. Oddly there is a bug where the food is not eaten. I'm looking into a fix for it. The player's speed was increased so they can move around faster. The point behind this project was to help formulate some issues I was having with developing A-RPG movement and interaction. Even now, I think I've found some problems that the NavMesh system has. One issue I noticed is creating terrain via cubes and blocks. When I say this, I'm not talking about walls. Those are easy to make by comparison. If I were to build ARPG tech in my spare time (might do that as my next project and make a free upload to the Asset store), I'd likely not use a terrain system and work with the Character Controller systems to make th...

Feed me: The home stretch

I would write something big about how "The main menu works" but in all honesty, that seems like a minor update if anything. I've shrunken the maps size as I noticed there were some issues with it. There are some parts of the game that need tweaking before the launch next week. First change: The map size was shrunk down, and I'm using a maze out of cubes. This is mainly due to the size one terrain tile in Unity. I'll update this on Sunday my time, I know this was late out the gate. I've been a bit busy with a variety of things going on in my world.