Bits and Glitches: Introduction

I'd like to apologise for not releasing a new blog post as Thursday I was fatigued from last minute bug fixing on the last game. I'm still some what tired but that comes back to my sleeping patterns corrupting over time.

Fun for the whole family.

For this next month's build, I'm looking to make a console game. No... Not PlayStation or Xbox, no something more simple.
Power Terminal

The idea for this next project is based off my current knowledge of python while learning it from Learning python the hard way so I'm taking a slight break from using Unity for this month.

So, what are the goals for this small machination?
  • Make a small text based RPG that can be played via Powershell
    • A small map to move around (north room, east room, you know the drill room)
    • Simple combat encounter

Really simple, right? Bonus round?
  • Make level up
  • Add more combat actions
  • Make an ASCII map for it
  • Make many monsters
Here goes the madness


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