Glitched: How much of a mess can I not make?

Another week huh? Time does fly. I've had to roll the version of Unity I was using back as the new version mysteriously corrupted when trying to talk to Visual Studio. I tried to fix the issue by moving my IDE over to Atom in the hopes that it would fix some problems. Sadly, it made things slightly worse due to a lack of intelliSense for Unity. Once I was back in action the code flowed quite seamlessly. The end system (killing the boss) is currently in position to begin testing. So far all tests are going well as the game win state! A testing environment One of the things I'm contemplating is how many lives the player has or should I just limit it to one life. Here are the potential side effects: Makes the game a bit easier considering the bullet hell side of the game would make it a bit too easy on the player. It could make the feel of the game become to... simple If I go for the one life or reset the effects are: Heightened tension and difficulty at the star...