Puzzling: I can't make good puzzles

Hello! This is the launch post for Puzzling (hah... and I thought I would make something brilliant) and what do you know? I can't make good puzzles as evidenced here. Well... This is on me to some degree, as my lack of progress could be attributed to my lack of time spent developing on it. But, looking for part/full time employment and starting up makes life a bit harder.

But, I will say this, it was challenging to create something that I wanted. Hidden in the code is a timed button, and I wanted to make a level segment that allowed the use of it matched with the buttons. Did that happen? not so much.

As I'm typing this, I have a friend of mine in discord who's doing some test work to make sure there are less bugs. Hopefully, I can utilise automated testing to iron out these bugs at leave less issues to the manual testing.

For the next game, as I might as well drop a hint to those who don't know me in real life, I'll give you one hint: Nier Automata. Stay tuned for this Friday's initialisation blog post!


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