Glitched - One Month Build

Now, on the Tuesday launch post for Puzzling, I left a hint regarding this month's build. Any guess? Vast open world? Reactive combat? Highly attractive android ladies? A plot that asks philosophical questions and even utilise some key figures in the history of philosophy (I'm looking at you Pascal).
 No, I'm looking at this the hacking mini game.
Image pulled from Kotaku, Nier Automata is owned by Square Enix and developed in co-operation with Platinum Games
So, once again here come the rules:

  1. The game must allow the player to aim with the mouse
  2. The levels must contain an end target to be destroyed
  3. There must be initial enemies to fight and or blocks that must be destroyed
Bonus round time! This time, I'm going to put them in desire order
  1. Controller support
  2. More then one level
  3. Some more bullet hell style levels
  4. A second fire ability?
  5. Endless mode (That's right, more then just levels)


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