Feed me: So... that worked?
This week has been interesting to say the least. After doing a mild amount of experimentation and reading up a few things, I found the answer to my problem: How on earth do I get the food to be picked up? Here's the trick, instead of raycasting straight to the apple to eat it. That would mean, I could eat it at any point. This can be fixed by using a SphereCast which casting rays in a sphere to find all the objects in its' range. In order for the player to interact with apples, it need to be within the sphere itself. That way, when the player clicks on it, they will have to be in range and allows the to consume it easily. Green ball is an apple. Stand by for actual apples Well... I fixed that up quite nicely (now it's just a numbers game for balance). I've yet to start tweaking the values regarding the hunger rate. I'm contemplating re spawning them after set intervals. Next week, UI screenshot and the last parts before release on Wednesday in the week ...