The Numbers game: Launch and disection

Oh god, we are finally here.

Well, Numbers Game is getting it's launch and what a better time to...

I need to find out what is wrong with this. Maybe there is something I'm missing. A creative spark. A motion with which I can grasp an idea and take it further. Yet, Despite this, I seem to be becoming more dissatisfied with constructing these projects. Is it the ideas aren't captivating? Do I feel like they are mundane ideas?

My approach to this game definitely felt like my self-discipline was starting to drop. This could in turn explain why I feel dissatisfied with my development on these small projects. Psychologically, I could be dodging the pain of this cycle of constant development with dissatisfaction. Or maybe I could stop that.

I will be building another game, and you'll hear about the idea on Thursday, Australian Time zone. This one, I'll take the time to build a small system, much like all these builds. Here we go, over and again.


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