The Numbers Game: The final leg

I'm not looking forward to this.
The final stage is set with only 4 days to go until launch, the question remains: Can I do it?

Long answer is, yes!
Basic maths to solve a simple equation
The basic algebra involved for solving the problem was actually annoying to implement. To start, two numbers are selected by the user then the user presses the button for the desired function to occur.
Three buttons are missing in this scene as they hold the "temporary values", being the currently used values and a "Temporary" value for storage (of course). This will allow the player to navigate their equation and build it out as they need to.
There is currently an issue with showing the worked equation for the player to see, so I don't know if it will make the final cut of the game. Only one way to find out on the 10th! I might have an idea for the next project, but it will be touching code that I'm quite intrigued by.


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