Numbers Game: Oh boy do I love to goof

Yep, it's an early blog entry! Over the course of the week, I've been working on both this game and a side project, so progress has been a bit slower then my prior ones. Though not without it's laughs. Much like the original concept the player can now select in order the high and low numbers as well as the final number. Some genius, I won't mention my name, assigned the wrong variables to the random generation code at one stage, making the first number in the array the only one that randomised.
This has since been fixed after much embarrassment.
Currently, there are two buttons that randomise the values much like the television show.
As seen here, by this UI
This week coming, I'm hoping to get the maths side of this game up and running. For that, I'm going to be using temp values for storage of these numbers. So much UI development and code...

For a future note: All updates will be happening on Thursday as of next week. This is due to new social engagements.


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