Glitched: This is what happens when you set something on fire

So... Here is the release. No, I am not happy, hence the name of the title.

Much like the title of the game, there are glitches even now at launch. If you suffer a swift memory leak, I apologise as this bug does not want to be fixed. Over the coming days, I'll try to repair the bug and get out a fix.

Am I proud of this game? Not as much as I thought I would have. I'm saddened that I didn't match my ambitions with this one of creating a good game. The controls were initially a brilliant idea but turned out to be a horrid mess of a thing by the end. I know, releasing a game with a terrible control scheme is a bad move. But I have to keep myself honest, and keep to building a game in a month, whether it is a horrid mess or just a good game.

I have no idea what to make next, so set me something to think about over on my twitter handle of @Grimthier.


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