The gears fall in place

Woooo! More things working!

So, on this week in building, a major issue was fixed. In testing out a bigger enemy fleet to shoot at. With that, the bullets (due to physics) were not exactly going through the enemies to hit the player. After having issues with triggers, I asked a friend if he could have a look at it. As it turns out, I was using Unity's collision system incorrectly.
So that's now working.

Point are being scored, lives are being lost. I'm looking into a invulnerability state to allow players a moment of reprieve from the bullet hail. I might even shrink the ship size and remodel it. Due his should allow bullet blocking to work correctly.

What is bullet blocking I hear you ask? Well, It's a fun little thing I added on the off chance that a bullet should collide with another bullet, annulling both bullets in mid fire. If this game was going to be developed past the current time scale (added another two months), I could make it become 100% more bullet hell!

But I'm not going to build a bullet hell just yet. Maybe the game in three months time after I've learned more lessons, who knows?


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