Space Invaders clone: The calm before the storm

Oh boy, this day came up quicker then I wanted it to.

After much deliberation the game is nearing it's final points. Models have textures, movement was finally locked down (because trying to talk directly to the x axis through Transform.position amounts to the same functionality that get(); does).

Side note: new character model is new!

There is a main menu (I'll include a controls screen to show what the controls are). Now, I've been trying to solve an issue with multiple objects randomising when they start firing. To my own avail, they refuse to co-operate normally. Manual number insertion away! I have no doubt in my mind I could do it through the use of an array, but my worry with using an array to instantiate all the numbers comes through when the enemy in question is killed.

Boss is not perfectly implemented as it will be similar to these mobs (just more bullets).

Both the victory and loss screen is completed (Easy code is easy) and the textures (although not great) are in the game. I probably will give it one more pass over before the weekend is through and submit my game on the 11th of June (Midnight launch!).


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