Release of the space invaders style game!

I made it! You made it! We all made it!

One month of development, four 3D models, and an existential crisis later, the game has been made!
Please note this game IS a mere prototype for game creation and in no way shape or form an actual title to sell on the market. Hence why, this game is being released for free via a cloud storage service. If you are after a Mac or a  version, I do apologise in advanced. I could make a build or two, but would (currently) have no method to test it.

I'll be making one more post regarding this game on Wednesday as a sort of a postmortem on the game and the process of development as well as announcing the next month project. Heck, next time I might stream some development if I move my computer around and stop using Australian wireless internet.

Now with out further a do, you can download and play My Stupid Space Invaders by downloading the .zip folder here. Ah, the wonders of cloud storage and zip folders.

Yes, this is the start screen. A not so secret secret is on this page...


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