Puzzling: This week on making bugs

Hi! How are you? Doing good? That's good. Puzzling is coming along great, I've put in a door with some animations and rigged it up with code (yay!) I have more ways to trigger the door to open (double ) I'm going to start texturing as the pieces come into play and get the ground tiling correctly.

Just somethings I cooked up in Blender. Is that a door?

Oddly, button interaction is failing for an odd reason. I'm using a ray cast when ever the mouse is being pressed down, and I the ray seems to be casting but... it's not colliding with anything correctly which is concerning. Alternatively, I could just end up using pressure pads that are timed so that the player has to step on button and run to the exit.

The code for those buttons does exist. Pausing kind of exists, and I'm going to pull two levels together for the final product: One that explains buttons to the door, and the other explains jump pads. 
This will only end in disaster.


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