Puzzling: Less physics, more chicken

You know how you have those moments where you bite off a bit more then you think you can chew? This project is currently feeling just like that.
Some of the key issues I've been having is interaction with the FPS character interacting with triggers and collisions.

Until I used the correct one (not rigidbody (YOU BETRAYED ME, RIGIDBODY!!)) and then everything started working.
On the plus side, just as I finished writting up this post, I figured out how to get "Jump Pads" into the game! I'm doing it a silly way so that I can uniquely assign jump values to the individual jump pads which (not auto triggering) I can assign each of them an individual value just to trick the player out.

I know what you are thinking. How did a prototype game end up looking like a portal rip off

Now here's hoping I can get the boxes to move, with some bs physics... And only two weeks left until the things has to be finished... I've got a rough idea as to how to pull it off, but that remains yet to be tested. Here's hoping I don't go 110% mad in the proccess


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