Starting tests: Space invaders game: Setting the rules

Yep... Starting basic on this one.

On the blog, I'm going to start each new one month build is going have an initial post laying down some basic rules. For this first game, I am going to attempt to make a game similar to Space invaders, Galaga and other shoot 'em ups in a similar vein.
So, here are the rules:

  • Player must be able to move left or right with limitation of screen size
  • Press space to shoot
  • Shooting an enemy kills it
  • Killed enemy gives you points depending upon the enemy
  • Enemies will shoot down at you on their own terms
  • If you are hit, you lose a life
  • Design one wave and a boss fight
And just to spice things up a notch, let's add some bonus objectives in shall we?
Bonus Round

  • Add more waves
  • Add Another boss
  • Add pickups (new weapons, lives, etc)
  • Add more weapons
  • Add procedurally generated waves
  • Leaderboard
  • Add a customizable ship (points at the end of a round would be added into a gold like curreny to be spent on this)

Screenshot for Galaga. Src: Wikipedia
Screenshot for Space Invades. Src: Wikipedia

This week, movement left and right were achieved (easy) and the firing mechanic is in as well!

Just a little of what I've done, sorry no gifs
By next week, I intend to have enemies, win and lose conditions


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