major setbacks ahoy

One week huh? Been a long time.

Let's start with the good news first. Bullets are firing and I've fixed the collision issues. It turns out that when ever I use Transform.translate(); it like to ignore physics because object moving at fast speeds. Fix? Add Ridgidbody/Character Controller to it and use their movement code.

Right about here, I'd  give you a screenshot of it working, but... This is the bad news part of the blog post. My computer's motherboard is throwing a hissy fit. Every time the graphics card throws a hissy fit, I have to unplug it and re-plug it in. This means I've not really had much time to develop it further, as I'm also looking to replace the whole thing.

Once it is back up and running, I will send a few images and get the project further on the way.

Also, an enemy was 3D modelled :D

Told you so

Quickly little update: Fixed the machine, all seems to be working


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