A quick introduction

I suppose you're wondering why I called this blog "Monthly Builds" and not "Musing in Game Design" or "Something not so generic sounding." Well, I fully intend to make small game concepts in one month, and then put them up here for downloading.

That's right! Quick, short, small, 1 month build time games and just dump them up here for people to look at.

Now: "Who am I?"

Well, my is Theo and I like making games. I've already attained up a diploma in games development and a degree in animation from a local college and university respectively.

So why start this blog?
Well, I've been trying to hammer into the bigger ideas for games that I want to build. But at the end of the day, I've yet to build a prototype that is finished. So now, I'm creating myself a little challenge and I'll blog the progress here. Every Friday at about 6 pm AEST, I will launch a blog post detailing the workings of the game and on the 11th of each month (starting next month) I will release a small game what I've programmed, animated, designed, and maybe even did the sound (oh god... audio design... lord help me).


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